Agri Business Management
Agriculture Business Management
The Agriculture Business Management program consults agriculture producers to more efficiently manage, produce, and market their products. Services are provided through one-on-one consultations, farm visits, and scheduled seminars that provide tools and resources to use in daily operations. Producers can receive assistance in setting up a business plan and personalized record-keeping system designed to help them identify opportunities for improvement.
Cooperative effort is provided to AgBM clients through the Farm Service Agency's borrower training program. Additional support is provided in partnership with local agricultural extension offices and the NRCS in preparing grants, matching funds or conservation plans.
Program Features and Topics (not limited to): |
Agriculture Law and Contracts Basic Recordkeeping Estate and Succession Planning Livestock Feed and Nutrition Livestock Genetics Grant and Report Writing Grants NRCS-Equip Program Marketing Agricultural Products QuickBooks for Record Keeping SharkTank-Launch a New Product Social Media Marketing Value-Added Food Products and Rules |
Agri-Tourism Business Plan Development Facebook for Business Food Labeling Greenhouse Operations High Tunnel Operation Microsoft Excel for Record Keeping Plasticulture Agri-Safety Training Small Equipment and Implement Training Technology/Tools in Agriculture |
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Jona Kay Squires, Mid-America’s Agriculture Business Coordinator has more than 30 years in the agriculture industry. She enjoys sharing helping agricultural producers be more economically profitable in Cleveland, Garvin, and McClain counties. Jona Kay will consult, coach, create trainings and workshops to help start-up agri-businesses successfully launch and existing agri-businesses to diversify and grow in order to receive top dollar for their agricultural products. Contact Information: |