CARES Act – Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF GRANT)

Mid-America Technology Center has received federal funding from the CARES Act, which provides assistance for Post-Secondary Adult student expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Students can request funds in these categories:
- Food
- Housing
- Course Materials
- Technology
- Health Care
- Childcare Expenses
- Other Expenses (Expenses that do not fit any of the above)
Am I eligible?
Most post-secondary students are eligible for funds if you were enrolled in classes in Spring 2020 on or after March 13, 2020.
Instructions provided to eligible students
A message was sent to all post-secondary adult student’s cell phone and e-mail explaining the grant qualifications and who to contact if they did not receive the application by 5/22/20. Most students received the HEERF Grant Application via e-mail. Applications were mailed to 6 students without an email address.